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Why forex so enticing?

With a few minutes a day, you can practically achieve the wealth that you never could imagine.

No knowledge is required. Just run the robot and you will be laughing all the way to the bank.

With this method, money literally fall from the sky.You don't have to work another single day.

With such a captivating phrase in some of the forex money making softwares or courses, one would think that money indeed fall from the sky. "Really?", those of you who are sceptical might remark.

Well, first of all, anything that involves making money, lots of money, including forex trading, requires a lot of expanded efforts. There is really no free lunch in this world. At least, in the beginning. "Toil first and you will be able to reap the fruit of your labor "

Many forex trading courses organizers (including here in Malaysia) even giving out "money back guarantee" if their courses do not generate profit for the attendees. With such a guarantee, it seems that forex attendees have nothing to lose and every thing to gain. They might think,"Who know? This might be the ride to the end of the rainbow with glittering pots of gold" Some might even lament why they didn't stumble upon this earlier.

So, are these forex courses a scam? Well, it depends on how you think. First, be realistic. There is no easy money, at least when you venture into something new. Yup, even with money back guarantee given. I am not saying that they do not honour their pledge but you just have to read the fine print. There will be some catch there, refund is not so easy after all as one might have to furnish tons and tons of trading records.

If one attends the forex courses with an open mind, trying to learn the ropes of the field and tools of the trades, realizing that this is only the first step into a profitable venture, that these courses serve as an excellent introduction material to the world of forex. I know, one can practically look for anything under the sun with Mr Google's help but for those who are less disciplined, these courses serves as a fast forward button in gaining one's foothold in forex trading.

The same goes for those forex robots out there. Do you really think you could make millions without knowing much about forex trading? You might have a formula one racing car but if you do not have the expertise to drive it, you will only end up in one place. The crash site!

You might see how easy it is to make money with forex robot. With those profitable trading proofs, it seems like we are taking candy from a baby. Well, those robot might be able to show profitable trades in a short term period but not the long term. It might taking tremendous risk in achieving those stellar result.

You see, in forex, we have something known as risk reward ratio (R:R). If this ratio is more than one, we are taking more risks than rewards. It is like we bet $2 to make $1. Of course, in the short term, we might be able to see profitable account balance as we will have more a lot of small profitable trades but when the losing trade come, it might burn our account. This few loses will wipe out all the small profitable trades and take a big chunk of our trading capital.  

But if you understand the principle and strategy behind the forex robot trading and know how to tweak it from time to time, then I am sure you are on your way to making millions. Sorry for the bad news but if you can sacrifice time and effort initially with undying disciple, confidence and commitment, then pots of gold will indeed awaits you at the end of the rainbow.

And for those who have limited budget to acquire the basic know how in forex, they can always visit popular forex forum such as babbypipsforexfactory Donnaforex and forex-tsd. They can also spend a couple of bucks getting some basic forex know how books.

So my friends, be rational. Don't let greed and emotion cloud your logical judgment. Forex is indeed a money generating machine (minus the easy part) with proper know how. Spend time acquiring them. Take one step at a time to the staircase of the world of infinite wealth (forex turnover stands at over 4 trillions a day), get a small chunk of the humongous pie.

Success will await for those who have commitment and passion! And who know, you might tell you friends that you don't have to work a single day as you have found something that you are passionate about and doing it not for the sake of money.   

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